Rugged Computers created with the right specs to get the job done that you need. We have created a pdf file that will help you make the selections for your custom computer, Laptop or Tablet. Click here to download
How Rugged do you need the computer to be?
Consumer Grade, Semi-Rugged, Fully-Rugged or Ultra-Rugged —- Do you need it to function in a particular environment? Need a particular IP rating? Will it get wet? Exposed to temperature extremes? Subject to dust or dirt? Will it be moved from vehicle or desk often?
What style would work best for you?
Laptop, Convertible, or Tablet
There are times you do not get a choice, and getting the newest fastest is always best. But are you trying to get lower the price? Do you need a particular one? We can look at your options.
Bigger is better, but do you have a particular necessity. 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB
Do you need TAA compliant device? TAA-compliance means that these products originated or are substantially transformed in a Federal Trade Agreement (FTA) designated country. As defined by the Trade Agreement Act (TAA), each product is substantially altered in the United States or a designated country into a new or different article of commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from which it was transformed.
Hard Drive Size:
Bigger is better, but do you have a particular necessity. 256, 512, 1TB?
WiFi & Bluetooth:
No options here, all computers have these capabilities today.
If a mobile router is being used (like Pepwave or Cradlepoint), in many cases you do not need to duplicate the job it is doing by having LTE and GPS installed on the computer device. There are some special circumstances that might make it required. Ambulances and EMS workers remove the computer devices from the vehicles and many times need more communication with other devices and machines that they need relayed. We see more EMS set-ups getting both a mobile router AND LTE with GPS on their devices.
For other law enforcement, even if the device is being removed from the vehicle, the mobile router can still work with the device for a bit of distance from the vehicle. If there is no mobile router and communication is needed than LTE is suggested.
This is like 4G and 5G networks we hear about with cell phones. It allows your computer to connect with the cell network for internet access.
There are specific LTE networks called EM7511 (typically FirstNet) and EM7455 (other specific networks), that are available.
GPS is a completely separate system from LTE. LTE gives devices the ability for two-way communications of voice and data using a cellular network. GPS on your device is a receiver only. It receives signals from satellites and uses them to calculate its position.
Typically if you do not want LTE you do not want GPS either (most likely because you are getting it through another device).
If you want GPS added it is because, you want to track the device when it is away from the router or off the LTE network
If you do not have LTE but want GPS this can be a custom build for you (more expensive) or you might consider the option of including a virtual GPS software on your computer (the information is pulled through the router).
Glonass is available but typically not used in the US. It is a Russian satellite navigation system operating as part of a radio navigation-satellite service.
Size of screen, readable in all lights, touch screen. Typically the size of the screen is determined by the computer device you pick. But if you have a set size you need that can help narrow down the options.
Webcams and Rear Facing Cameras are available. Along with Hello Webcam (it is used with Windows Hello for biometric logins and passwords).
Both the standard and digitizer styles are fine for signing names or making selections. A digitizer stylus is for very specific tasks (typically when the pressure of the pen is important – like when drawing).
Software Dependent
Fingerprint Reader:
The software being used will need to be known.
Barcode Reader:
The software being used will need to be known. This software is typically for scanning licenses. This is typically for licenses and it it is a separate reader embedded in the computer. Typically you just hold the license (or any barcode) up to the camera and the computer will be configured to work with your software and auto process the license. This saves time by not having to snap a photo of the barcode and then manually loading it into the software to get the result.
License Plate Reader:
The software being used will need to be known.
The software being used will need to be known. Typically only see military use this when detailed security badges need to be processed.
Tablet only:
Operating System:
Windows based or Android
include or not needed
Handle / Case:

Some models come with a particular handle or case, but there are options to upgrade on some. If a hard handle is desired it can typically be included.
Power Supply:
Wired or cigarette style options are available
Standard, 3yr, 4yr, or 5yr
When do you anticipate needing the system or is this a budgetary quote?
Other Items
Mobile Router:
Allows more people to use the network that just the one device. You then have the option of not including LTE and GPS on the device. Perhaps you have other devices that need to connect.
Allows a more reliable connection
Decide if you need a team to come and install all your equipment.
If you have had a device before than there is probably a mount already in the vehicle. The brand will need to be known. If you have never had one, the make, model and year of the vehicle will be required.
How do you want the device to rest in the vehicle:
Cradle: This only holds the device in place to the mount in the vehicle. Any connections will have to be manually removed and reconnected each time the device is moved. There are universal cradles that are less expensive but they are bit clunkier and require a bit more effort to remove and put in the device.
Dock: This holds the device AND plugs all of the connections into the device so tthat it is easy to remove and go.
Dock with triple Pass Thru: has access for antenna to also be connected