Puerto Rico Relief Fund – The power of connecting
We have just heard from APBM Missionary Andy Sharpeta on Viesques Island, Puerto Rico. He was able to borrow the Mayor’s satellite phone to make the call, the only one on the island. Andy, his wife and four children are all safe. Anything built of wood on the island is pretty much gone. They have enough food and water for the time being; most folks do not. Andy has been given a line of credit to get food for distribution to people who are without. He has a small generator that helps for some things, but I imagine that gasoline will be a problem shortly.
We have yet to hear from Missionary Ed Bauman. They are on the big island of Puerto Rico.
We are setting up a relief fund for victims of hurricane
Maria on Puerto Rica. This will be administered by All Points Baptist Mission through our missionaries, the Sharpetas and the Baumans (assuming the Baumans are OK) and will be an important part of their ministry now for a while. Anyone wishing to give to this effort may do so by contacting the APBM office.
Thank you for your consideration,
Gary E. Forney – Executive Director
All Points Baptist Mission
A ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, New Philadelphia, Ohio